Auto-correct is a very useful feature on android that helps people to type English words correctly and quickly using the default android keyboard. It is indeed an very useful feature for people who are new to the English language, however on the other hand it can be annoying for people who want to type a non English language in English.

For example, a Indian might want to type Hindi words in English and in this case, the auto-correct feature would be very annoying by suggesting English words which will be entirely irrelevant. So to be frank the auto-correct feature is both a blessing and a curse, depending on the language the user wants to type in.

Adding to this, with the advent of internet lingo, people are no more in a habit of typing in full words. So if you are frequently sign the internet lingo, then you’re better off without the Auto-correct feature.

For both the above situations, it will be better if you can completely disable the predictive text feature. For those who want to turn off the predictive text feature, here’s how you can do so.

How to Turn Off Auto-correct on Android
Step 1: Navigate to your Android phone’s Settings and go to the Language and Input settings.

Step 3: Click on the Settings icon beside the Android keyboard you’re using. In this case, its the Android Keyboard (AOSP).
Note: The default android keyboard may differ for different phone manufacturers. For example, in case of Samsung Android phones, the default keyboard will be the Samsung Keyboard and the settings might differ slightly.

Step 2: Tap on Auto-correction and select Off to turn off the auto correction feature.

Step 4: Tap on Show correction suggestions and select Always Hide.

That’s it and now you’ve successfully turned off the Auto-correct feature on your Android phone.

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